I have been a fan of Guild Wars for quite some time, and have played through all 4 campaigns with multiple characters. Because of that, it may not come as a surprise that I am very excited for the release of Guild Wars 2. When I had the opportunity to pre-order the game to get access to all future beta weekends, I immediately jumped at the chance. Guild Wars 2 is very different from almost every other MMORPG I've ever played, so this review will try to explain just how different it is.
To begin creating a character you can choose from 5 different races: Asura, Charr, Human, Norn, and Sylvari. Next, choose male or female. Then you can choose your profession: from Guardian, Warrior, Engineer, Ranger, Thief, Elementalist, Mesmer, or Necromancer. After customizing your character's looks you will answer 5 questions that describe your character and will customize your personal story. Finally, enter your name and watch the opening cinematic. Then you will be right away thrust into the middle of a battle to start your personal story!
Overall my experince in Guild Wars 2 so far has been amazing. I have already put in too many hours to count (I know, /age works too), and have barely left the first area of the game. A major part of the game is the personal story, and with my level 15 character I have hardly scratched the surface. What I do know is that the stories are greatly based off your choices creating your character but will become intertwined later on. My previous experience playing on the first beta weekend and the first stress test, have always left me wanting more. I've currently completed more than 17/232 tasks, 6/183 skill challenges, and visited 29/781 points of interest - and the developers will surely add more content as time passes.
I give this game an 85/100. It is truly unique, more than any other MMO I have ever seen or played. While it's combat may not be as action-oriented as TERA, it does practically re-invent MMORPGs with its completely different presentations of quests, managing skills, and a great over-arching story. I could only hope that somehow the beginning parts of the story could be a bit more exciting, but that may only be specific to my choice of a human warrior along with the answers of my biography questions at the start. Still, I totally recommend checking this game out as it is probably the best MMORPG around. If you want to play as soon as possible you can pre-purchase the game now to be able to play in all upcoming beta weekend events, just follow them on twitter for all the latest news!