Google Reader Gets "+1'd" With Design Update

Google's updates continue as their Google Reader gets a massive design upgrade to fall in line with others including Google Docs, Gmail, and most other Google products. This is all since the introduction of Google+ , leading to the modernization of almost all of Google's increasingly outdated services.

For people who use Google Reader often including many of us at AnythingGeek, the redesign could be considered a good thing, or a bad thing. The new design is said to be 'cleaner, faster, and nicer to look at' and also makes it very easy for users to share and +1 stories on their Google+.

Google realizes that some people may be unhappy with the new design and streamlining of their service and will allow users to easily export their subscriptions if they want to move to another service. This is also because of the removal of several other sharing methods and social networking features that have been replaced by Google+. Google also announced that an updated Google Reader Android app will be following soon.