Pokémon Black 2 & White 2: New Details

Hey there folks, Atzunew here to give you all a quick update on Pokémon Black 2 & White 2. News has been slow lately but we have heard some new info on the upcoming games scheduled for release later this year. Some of this info is still up in the air as to whether it will be completely accurate, so please it with a grain of salt.
This news comes from Amazon's Japanese website that has released pictures of cases that gives new information to both new forms of Kyurem. Black Kyurem is to be a Dragon/Ice type. It will stand at 3.3m tall and will weigh in at 325kg. White Kyurem is also a Dragon/Ice type.  It stands at 3.6m and weighs the same as its counterpart.  This new information debunks the theory of triple typing.

There is also a rumor going around that there will be a new Pokémon announced very soon.  This may be the announcement that Pokémon Smash hinted about for this weeks episode. Also, Pokémon Smash has released a statement that there is to be an announcement regarding the upcoming game during the week of April 8th, so that is two weeks in a row that Pokémon Smash will have announcements.

Atzunew's Pokémon Black Nuzlocke: Issue 3

Hey everyone, Atzunew back with my third installment of my nuzlocke run comics. Something to note is that for the love of God I couldn't find a picture of the mom in the style of the others, except for this half.  So for now I guess just read through it as if she was knelling behind the counter and poked her head out to talk. Make sure to read the previous comic if you haven't already! I hope you enjoy and continue to follow this series:


Hey there everyone, Atzunew here to share this wonderful video I just had the pleasure of watching. This video really proves what can be accomplished with a dedicated group of people and a great idea. Watch below to be wowed. Make sure to watch in 1080p!
This video was made by Oddball Animation as an ongoing project. When I was watching this video I was reminded of the setting of Dark Potential (a new wargame that I talked about last week). This is essentially what the men and women at Miniwargaming had envisioned that their post-apocalyptic universe would be like.  The lighting, animation and their attention to detail is wonderful. I really hope to see more from this group as their work is top notch - and possibly even a full length feature.

The Humble Android Bundle 2

In the same week as the new Indie Royale Ninja Pack, introducing the next Humble Bundle - The Humble Bundle for Android 2. For whatever price you choose get four great games for Windows, Mac, Linux and once again - Android - and have it donated to charity. If you pay over the average you can also get the bonus game Swords & Soldiers. Let's take a look at all the games you get in this bundle:

Semi Secret Software
Canabalt is the sublime, indie parkour platformer by Adam Saltsman. It involves running through a city during an alien invasion and jumping from rooftop-to-rooftop. 
Play in single-player or turn-based multiplayer on all desktop platforms or on Android with optional 3D effects.

Zen Bound 2
Secret Exit
Zen Bound 2 is a ground-breaking, meditative puzzler that defies convention. Players are given a wooden figurine, which must be wrapped in twine through a process of creative rotation.
In this incredibly artsy game, paint the wooden figurined through the process of rotating the twine, you have to see it to comprehend. Zen Bound is also available for sale on iOS.

Lazy 8 Studios
Cogs is a much-lauded 3D puzzle game that gives the player mechanical structures that need to be fixed in order to function properly.
Arrange pipes, gears, and other victorian-esque technologies in order to strike bells, turn propellers, and channel steam to solve the puzzle.

Avadon: The Black Fortress
Spiderweb Software
Avadon: The Black Fortress is the RPG fantasy saga from Jeff Vogel's Spiderweb Software, an indie studio well-known for sprawling experiences and intricate plots. 
Choose from four classes, learn dozens of skills, and find hundreds of items in this classic RPG. For the first time, you can now enjoy this game on your Android tablet.

Swords & Soldiers
Ronimo Games and Two Tribes
Swords & Soldiers is a vibrant, side-scrolling strategy game making a debut on Linux and Android in this promotion. The tight, balanced gameplay is perfect for gamers seeking a fun, casual, strategy experience.
Spawn units, gather resources, and overrun your opponents base while listening to the invigorating soundtrack.Play three different factions in singleplayer, multiplayer, and challenge modes. Beat the average bundle price to get this game added to your order.

Two big bundlesw in one week, makes it a really good time to be a PC gamer who loves seeing the work of indie developers. You can expect so see articles like this on all the best gaming deals that come out, so be sure to follow us on Twitter @AnyGeek. The last thing to say is: buy this bundle now!

Pinterest: Updated Terms of Service

By now you may have heard about the extremely popular social photo sharing website - Pinterest. This website allows you to create and manage theme-based image collections in order to "connect everyone in the world through the 'things' they find interesting". Pinterest has become popular especially among women with over 6 million users. In it's updated terms of service Pinterest addresses multiple other issues with the service:
  • Our original Terms stated that by posting content to Pinterest you grant Pinterest the right for to sell your content. Selling content was never our intention and we removed this from our updated Terms.
  • We updated our Acceptable Use Policy and we will not allow pins that explicitly encourage self-harm or self-abuse.
  • We released simpler tools for anyone to report alleged copyright or trademark infringements.
  • Finally, we added language that will pave the way for new features such as a Pinterest API and Private Pinboards.
Since the launch of Pinterest there have been many concerns regarding copyrighted images from copyright holders. Pinterest is making it easier than ever to file a complaint. They have also said that they indeed do not own every image you post - especially if you don't even have the rights to post them. These new terms go in effect April 6, 2012. Are you a Pinterest user? Let us know in the comments below!

Reviews for the Road: Mass Effect 3

What's up everybody? Atzunew coming to you with my long-awaited review of Mass Effect 3. This game has made both good and bad news lately and I just want to set the record strait on this game. While I will try to avoid spoilers in this review, some details have to be known for readers to understand the community's views on the game.  In this article I will cover the gameplay, the story and the multiplayer. As always we try to give readers an unbiased view of games where then you can decide if it is for you.
To start off we take a look at how the gameplay preforms. Mass Effect 3 delivers players a game that, compared to the two previous games, is focused on combat. No matter what your class players can use any and all weapons, this arguably makes the popular soldier class a bit lack luster. Bioware has added a weight mechanic that makes cool downs affected by how many or how little guns you carry.  So while your character can hold every weapon, it usually is best to only bring 1 or 2 if you want short cool down times. Next we see that the galaxy map has made a return from ME2. This is where players get to control the Normandy around solar systems and travel around clusters. You may scan planets and systems for secrets but at the cost that the reapers can gradually detect you and after awhile they will come to attack you. One of my complaints is about the controls. Most actions such as leaping, running, opening containers, and taking cover all use the same button.  So when you mean to vault over an object, you may take cover instead, it has even lead to some deaths in both the singleplayer and multiplayer modes.

With gameplay out of the way I can now focus on what the Mass effect series is about, it's plot. This game was intended to deliver us the end to Commander Shepard's story arc. It starts off only a few months or so after the events of ME2's Arrival DLC so players have not missed much action. With Shepard reaching out to so many wonderful characters this all seemed like a great big get-together of fan favorites, even characters that didn't have a large role. While there is an abundance of assignments for you to complete, the way Shepard seems to creepily tune into other conversations is a bit unnerving. Bioware seems to be aware at what fans thought was funny and what were things that we all remember, so when they made the game they made sure to include these types of things. For example, things like the Garrus' calibration jokes, to Miranda's ass and even an in-universe explanation to Conrad Verner's bug. We see that they really linked these events together and included them into ME3. This game has some of the most compelling story-telling I know of and some of the best moments. Some make you laugh, many make you cry, but some leave you with a bad taste.

Something that has really got everyone's attention was the ending, and how it left players with more questions than answers. While I will not go into specifics due to spoilers, this has fans in uproar. The ending leaves players with too many answers for a story that was to neatly tie itself up.  It eliminates the possibility of sequels in the Mass effect universe as we know it to exist. A great number of fans have turned to wanting a DLC ending to be made, while some accept this ending. Others look at it in a deeper manner, (ie. the indoctrination theory). I for one did not like the ending but I didn't go to such extremes as some did. If Bioware does create a DLC ending then I don't want them to go the route of a "happy ending" as that has never been the case with any of the previous titles. I would personally want at least two things addressed by the company in the content though if it does happen. Firstly, an answer to the plot holes - many of these are huge and some don't even make sense. Secondly I would want to have some sort of closure on my squad mates, factions and other characters, maybe something like Fallout's style of an ending recap.

Finally I can talk about the multiplayer mode in Mass Effect 3. I was one of the people that thought that Bioware could not deliver an engaging and fun multiplayer experience. I was gladly proven wrong here. In this mode you and three other players can work together to survive waves of tough enemies.  Players can choose their class and out of those classes there are 4 choices to what species you want to play as.  There is a multitude of equipment that is available to players, ranging from weapons, modifications, power-ups and even xp-boosts.  Each time you complete a mission (by either completing it or failing) you earn experience points as well as credits used for buying packs. There are some problems with the multiplayer mode though, but they are not major concerns. There are times when you and your team are stuck waiting for 1 player since they do not agree to start up yet, I for one am glad there is a kick function for this reason (that needs unanimous votes to pass). Sadly if there is a player that wants to "lone wolf" it the rest of the team suffers since these players either get you killed while you try to revive them or they quit because the team is tired of holding that team member up. One last thing that I would want to point out is that if you are playing this mode, please don't go into a silver or higher lobby with your level 1 character. It makes the team suffer since you can't hold your own against the enemies, it is better to start off with a couple of bronze-level matches first.

This wraps up my review of Mass Effect 3. Overall it was a solid gameplay wise but falls short with a poor control setup. The story was wonderful as it drew inspiration from the other two games. The ending leaves players with a bad feeling but in hindsight it was only about the last 10-15 minutes. The multiplayer mode is a great addition to this series but if you don't have a co-operative team then you may fall short of victory. I would recommend this game to any who want to buy, both Mass Effect fans from Eden Prime to newcomers. I give Mass Effect 3 as solid 88/100 score. Play it now!

The Indie Royale Ninja Pack

In this new Indie Royale lightning round, buy five games from the downloadable game developer NinjaBee for less than $5 (currently only $3.74) for the remainder of the 100-hour countdown. These games are only compatible for Windows, so sorry to all you Mac and Linux users. Let's take a look at all the games in this bundle:

Ancients of Ooga
Ancients of Ooga is a puzzle-platformer game. Using the unique "eat/carry/puke" inventory management system and your ancient, elemental, tribal powers to clear over 50 levels - with some twisted humor along the way.
Eat, chant and even puke your way through the primeval world of Ooga on a journey to befriend and free the enslaved Oogani tribes. Unlock each tribe’s lost, ancient powers and revive their fallen chiefs on your quest to revolt against the evil Boolis.
Cloning Clyde
In cloning Clyde you play as several mutant-clone Clydes through another puzzle-platforming adventure in order to help the real Clyde escape Dupliclone, Inc. through the 40 different levels.
Have you ever been cloned? Ever wonder what it would be like to be a chicken? A monkey? A frog? Well, wonder no more when you play Cloning Clyde, the zany side-scrolling platformer game from NinjaBee and Bacon Wrapped Games.
A Kingdom for Keflings
Build your own Medieval world in A Kingdom for Keflings, a city-building game from NinjaBee.
Build and manage land as a giant. Unlock new blueprints, buildings and tasks on your way to constructing a Kefling kingdom. Kingdom for Keflings also includes the ability to build cities online cooperatively with your friends.

Outpost Kaloki
Race against time to save the princess in Outpost Kaloki, a humorous space station tycoon game! Solve challenges, entertain visiting aliens, keep your ratings high, and rake in the money on your way to fame and glory.
There are dozens of scenarios to play through and a number of "sandbox" environments to extend the experience.

Band of Bugs
Band of Bugs is a fast playing, accessible, tactics strategy game. Gameplay is deep enough to be satisfying to established fans of the tactics genre, but friendly enough to appeal to more casual gamers as well.
This game features a full story-based campaign, online play, and a level editor that lets you design custom scenarios and share them with your friends. As well as allowing compatibility with bonus campaigns and map packs available for free online.

This bundles looks to offer something for almost everyone, and really shows the variety of games that NinjaBee can create. Be sure to buy this bundle while you can and watch out for the upcoming April Fool`s bundle (maybe?).

Experiencing the TERA Beta

The Exiled Realm of Arborea, more commonly known as TERA is an upcoming MMORPG developed Bluehole Studio. Originally released in South Korea on January 25, 2011 - TERA is scheduled for a North American release of May 1, 2012 and in Europe on May 3rd.

This weekend will be TERA's 4th beta test and Fazoz and I will both be playing, and I possibly obsessively. Soon after the weekend is over I will post my review of TERA as I was able to play it on this test. As it is so close to release I can assume that not too much will change from now 'till then, but of course as MMOs do it will continue to grow and get better over time.

TERA is quite different from any MMO you may have played before. How? Find out when we talk about it on this Weekend's podcast, and in the full review next week!

Atzunew's Pokemon Black Nuzlocke: Issue 2

Hey there everyone, I hope you enjoyed the first comic. Now every Wednesday you can be treated to an update on my progress in the Unova region.

As always I'm open to suggestions as to rules I should add or goals I should set for myself. I want you all to continue encouraging me in this project I have going. Check out the first comic here, and until next time folks enjoy your stay and love your life.

The AnythingGeek Podcast - Episode 4

Get ready for episode 4 of the AnythingGeek podcast. It's late once again so that can mean only one thing - we are getting better every week. We forget tech news this week and focus on our thoughts of this week's gaming news as well as other stuff going on with the site. For those of you who are mad that our podcast is late, don't worry! - Next weekend shall be an early episode of the podcast, assuming we get all of our articles written in time ;)
Check out the links to all articles discussed below, and make sure to click the iTunes logo on the right to subscribe on iTunes!

Gaming News
Game Deals
Upcoming Games
  • Kid Icarus: Uprising
  • Possibly some others
Also Including...
  • Why Colin hates tabletop games
  • How Peggle is awesome
  • New updates, and stories that we didn't write about
And more ramblings that you could ever want!

Theme song: Temperence by Matt McFarland

Epic Mickey 2 Reveal March 27th

Warren Spector from Disney France recently gave some gaming websites new info on the 'epic project' that has been known to be Epic Mickey 2 since it was leaked in January 2012. Along with this were images of what the future box art may be. Check out the screenshots below for more information on this upcoming game. Click to view full size:

The original Epic Mickey game was released exclusively for Wii, but the sequel with be available for all the major consoles. Epic Mickey 2 is rumored to have a release in fall 2012, but on March 27th this may become more clear. Be sure to follow our Twitter to stay up to day with all upcoming news.

The St. Patrick's Day Bundle from Indie Royale

The newest Indie Royale bundle is here, offering four great indie games for one low price. For the next few days you will be able to buy Hard Reset, Jolly Rover, Vertex Dispenser and DLC Quest for less than $5 for the bundle. Read below for a summary of all these games, as well as a look at them in action.
Hard Reset
Flying Wild Hog
Hard Reset is a cyberpunk-styled first-person shooter. With a story inspired by the works of such authors as William Gibson, travel through the the city and fight using 'old school' FPS mechanics like Quake and Unreal.
The world as we know it ceased to exist. Humanity is at the verge of extinction, living in the last closed city of Bezoar. Mankind wages war against the machines controlling vast areas of what became the 'Barrens'. Machines want to control and assimilate 'The Sanctuary' a network that holds billions of digitalized human minds.
Jolly Rover
Jolly Rover is a point and-click adventure game where you are Gaius James Rover. It is the 18th century in a world where you are a dog that happens to be captured by pirates - who are also dogs - before you become a pirate yourself.
Players follow the short and stubby tail of canine protagonist Gaius James Rover across three wild and untamed tropical islands, as he attempts to fulfil his dream of starting a circus, hampered only by pirates, villains, voodoo, love and considerable lack of loot.
Vertex Dispenser
Vertex Dispenser is an abstract real-time strategy game with mathematical puzzle elements. Move around a geometric surface and lay claim to your territory. Protect it by capturing solid faces for defense. Manipulate the colours of your vertices to gain power for special abilities. Balance your time between attacking, defending, expanding and colouring to survive and defeat your enemies.
Vertex Dispenser features singer-player campaign and puzzle modes, team-based multiplayer and cross-platform play between PC and Mac.

DLC Quest
Going Loud Studios
What happens when DLC goes too far? Defeat the bad guy, save the world and get the girl! But first you’ll need to find coins to buy DLC to enable animation, sound and even pausing.
Collect coins, save the princess and defeat the villain in classic platforming style. Collect 16 DLC packs, all showing the lengths that video game companies are going to make more money, and the possible future of downloadable content. The game also features 10 'awardments' to make you feel better about yourself!

I hope you're happy with the latest Indie Royale Bundle. While in my opinion the games this time are not as good as the previous bundle, I think it is important to support these developers. Visit the Indie Royale website to buy this bundle now, and be sure to sign up to their newsletter for all the latest announcements.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Free Weekend

Hey there everybody Atzunew here to discuss Bioware's popular MMO and how you can play it for free this weekend. While this week has been rough for the developer, they have just launched a new campaign on their popular MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic.
From Thursday March 15th (yesterday) to Monday March 19th, players will be able to enjoy this game for free. While it was said to get out of the rut of "WoW clones" this did not happen. The gameplay is quite similar but the story is very good and well written.  Star Wars fans will be pleased with the attention to detail with lore in this game as it expands on what is already established.

There are some things that players should aware of first before you jump in.  If you already have a subscription you will not be granted an extra 4-5 days to cover for these, so people in this group sadly do not benefit from this weekend. If you have already created an account from either a previous subscription or "Friend Trial" will not be able to use their characters for this event. To me this seems like a lost opportunity for Bioware to win back players who have left already.

Lastly, players are restricted to level 15 (regular subscriptions are capped at 50) and only to Origin World, Capital World, the Fleet, all Warzones, and in their first Flashpoint. You cannot use the chat service but players can look forward to the fact that your characters will be available after the weekend so you can continue where you left off after you get a subscription. This will be a great time to test the game out to see if is worth the subscription later, click here to get started!

Reviews for the Road: Wordament

In my continuing coverage of Windows 8, and Microsoft's new app store in the consumer preview - I would like to review another great game that I can play for hours at a time. In case you missed my last Windows 8 review, Jazz: Trump's Journey - it is truly an amazing game with a great story and fun puzzles. The game I am reviewing today is quite simple but very engaging, it is called Wordament.

Windows Phone 7 Version
In Wordament it is you versus the world. You are given a 4x4 grid of letters and two minutes in which you must create as many words as possible by using your mouse or a touch screen. Legal words will show up green, already found words yellow, and illegal words red - the longer the better! Wordament was originally released on Windows Phone 7, but has been ported to Windows 8 and looks better than ever!
Wordament is a unique kind of word game—a word tournament—where you are competing with the whole internet to be the best word searcher in every game. Every player is competing on the same board, in real time, to get the highest score. Will you be the Wordament champion?
Windows 8 Version
After the round you have a 45 second intermission where you can view the words you found, the ones you didn't, and the words that other players found. You can also view your rank of all the players in that round. While I cannot speak to the Windows Phone version directly, the Windows 8 version does have some issues with resuming games. For example, if you return to the desktop on Windows 8, then back to the game, the countdown timer for the next round may be stuck. In this case you will have to close the game and restart it. I am very impressed with the 24/7 live concept of this game, I would recommend a chatroom being available during the intermission period to make the game more social. I love playing this game in my free time, and I give it a 80/100.

Dark Potential Alpha Rules Available

Hey there folks Atzunew here with some information on an upcoming miniature wargame. Firstly, I would like to thank our viewers for staying interested this long since this is our semicentennial article. Here is a short video from the developers speaking about this topic.

There must be a lot of questions from those who are not aware of this market. Wargaming is in the simplest form is a tabletop simulation of combat where two or more players compete for dominance with models representing units. Dark Potential is a wargame that is being developed by Miniwargaming, a Canadian-run company that stocks and sells other company's wargames. They have taken the plunge and are now creating their own expansive and engaging universe.

MWG have been developing the story and factions for a number of months already so they had a solid universe to begin with. Unlike some sci-fi, Dark Potential tries to make it's technology both plausible and unique. The designers have poured over many scientific journals and theories to learn what would make an engaging universe. To learn all about the current state of their lore look no further than their developer notes.

As of yesterday the company has released an alpha rule set where players can play test. It has been quickly updated to version 0.0.2 so you should check back regularly if you are serious about this project. You can download the PDF version of the alpha rules set in this forum topic.

I hope you check this project out and give some good feedback to the developers. If you want to stay in touch with the latest this great wargame has to offer the sign up for their newsletter here. Right now I'm off to go play test, and I hope you do too!

Atzunew's Pokemon Black Nuzlocke Run!

Hey there fans, Atzunew back here writing you some quality content. Today marks the start of my Pokemon Black nuzlocke run.  Over the course of a number of posts I will update on my progress on this difficult challenge. While all nuzlockes may seem similar, there is actually a lot of customization available to challengers. My rules are as follows.
  1. Pokémon that faint must be released.
  2. The first pokémon encountered in an area must be captured and then no others.
  3. If the first pokémon encountered has already been captured by you, you may ignore rule 2.
  4. If a pokémon flees on their own (teleport) you may ignore rule 2.
  5. If a pokémon faints on their own (self-destruct) you may ignore rule 2.
  6. If a pokémon faints due to the player, then no other pokémon may be captured in that area.
  7. Shinies and legendaries may be captured but if they are not the first encountered they must stay in the PC.
  8. Nicknames must be given to all pokémon, except for legendaries
  9. You may not use pokémon caught from the Dream World.
Wish me luck in this challenge, and check out the first comic here Until next time, enjoy your stay and love your life. 

Atzunew's Pokemon Black Nuzlocke: Issue 1

Hey everyone, Atzunew here with the first installment of my Pokémon Black nuzlocke challenge. So here it goes, hope you enjoy. Text is color coded to the individuals own color palate, an example would be how Cheren wears turquoise so his text matches.  I'm not the best artist so than rather having you all suffer my horrible stick figures I just used character art. You can click to enlarge if it is difficult to see.

The AnythingGeek Podcast - Episode 3

The third episode of the AnythingGeek podcast is here, and being one day late it must be better than ever! We talk about some Apple news, more on the Raspberry Pi, and of course all the top video game news. Check out the links to all articles discussed below, and make sure to click the iTunes logo on the right to subscribe on iTunes!

Tech News
  • Raspberry Pi "messed" up
Apple Stuff
  • The new iPad
  • iOS 5.1
  • The Apple TV 3
Gaming News
  • Mass Effect 3
  • Wordament
And More!
  • 2K Games Sale
  • Upcoming Games
Theme song: Temperence by Matt McFarland

Mojang and Bethesda Settle Over Scrolls

In the summer of 2011 Notch said that Bethesda was suing Mojang for naming their latest upcoming game Scrolls. Bethesda's lawyers contacted Mojang saying that it infringed on the trademark for "The Elder Scrolls". After this incident the legal battle kept going on so Notch challenged them to a game of Quake 3 for the name Scrolls. Bethesda declined. Eventually there was little news about this event until the settlement finally happened.

Earlier yesterday Notch tweeted saying:

Scrolls will be Mojang's second full game after Minecraft, you can sign up to try to get into the alpha on the official website. You can view some gameplay footage below, form a panel at MineCon:

Gaming Deals of the Day: Civilization V & Blocks that Matter

For the final day of the 2K Games Steam sale, as many were expecting, on sale today is Civilization V. You can choose to get either the base game, the Game of the Year edition with all the DLC, or to buy the DLC separately at very low prices. In case you missed it, yesterday's deal was BioShock 1 & 2 but luckily if you missed out, all of 2K's games are still on sale for up to 50% off!

Civilization V
Civilization 5 is a turn-based strategy game. Based on an entirely new game engine with hexagonal tiles instead of the square tiles of earlier games in the series, lead a civilization from prehistoric times into the future while battling and trading, and more.
The Flagship Turn-Based Strategy Game Returns Become Ruler of the World by establishing and leading a civilization from the dawn of man into the space age: Wage war, conduct diplomacy, discover new technologies, go head-to-head with some of history’s greatest leaders and build the most powerful empire the world has ever known.
Civilization V is regularly priced at $29.99, but you can get it today for $7.49!
The Game of the Year edition is on sale for $12.49.

Blocks that Matter
Also on sale today as a Steam daily deal is Blocks that Matter. In this puzzle platformer the player takes the role of “tetrabot”, a robot which is able to collect blocks by jumping into them or drilling them, and can then construct shapes to solve puzzles and proceed on in the level. You may have previously seen this game as a part of the Humble Voxatron Bundle.
When indie game developers Alexey and Markus are in trouble, their only hope comes from their creation. You are the Tetrobot: a tiny robot that can drill blocks of matter one by one, collect them, and recycle them into new pieces of 4 blocks. You also have the possibility to destroy lines of 8+ blocks in a very «retro russian» game style.
Blocks that Matter is normally generously priced at $4.99, but on sale today for just $1.69.

I hope you enjoyed the coverage of this week's 2K Games sale, we will let you know of any other great deals we come across in the future. If you are buying Civilization V you may want to check out our first look of the next expansion, "Gods & Kings", and if you like Indie Games like Blocks that Matter follow our Twitter for updates on the next Humble Bundles and Indie Royale Bundles!

EBGames Setting Up Pre-orders for Donkey Kong 3D

Currently there is a rumour going on that EBGames will allow you preorder Donkey Kong 3D, as shown in the picture down below from an EB store. As you can see, they are also showing the upcoming Super Smash Bros. 3D. But, as one poster said on Neogaf:
The SMash Bros. boxes next to it are a clear sign they're [EBGames] more than willing to take your $5 on anything at any time, perhaps even shit they've made up.
There has been no other news about this game but we may be hearing more about it in June at E3 2012, or possibly even sooner. Either way we will keep you updated!

Gaming Deals of the Day: BioShock 1 & 2

On this, the third day of the 2K Games sale on Steam, you have a chance to pick up two more great games for less than $5 each. Today's sale in BioShock 1 and 2. In case you missed it, yesterday's deal was Mafia I/II but luckily if you missed out, all of 2K's games are still on sale for up to 50% off!

BioShock is a first-person shooter game by Irrational Games. Take the role of Jack, and explore the underwater city of Rapture while fighting off the mutated beings and mechanical drones that populate it.
BioShock is a shooter unlike any you've ever played, loaded with weapons and tactics never seen. You'll have a complete arsenal at your disposal from simple revolvers to grenade launchers and chemical throwers, but you'll also be forced to genetically modify your DNA to create an even more deadly weapon: you.
BioShock is regularly priced at $19.99, but you can get it today for $4.99!

BioShock 2
BioShock 2 is a survival horror first-person shooter video game, and the sequel to the original BioShock. Set 8 years after the events of the first game, return to the underwater dystopia of Rapture to search for the Little Sister you were paired with.
The halls of Rapture once again echo with sins of the past. Along the Atlantic coastline, a monster has been snatching little girls and bringing them back to the undersea city of Rapture.
BioShock 2 is regularly $19.99, but you can get it today for just $4.99 as well.

Get the first two games in this series for under $10, and be ready for BioShock Infinite on October 16th. I have to say, I have never played this series before, and if you haven't either this is the best way to start. Stay tuned to this site and our Twitter for news on the final day's sale tomorrow.

Gaming Deals of the Day: Mafia I/II

For the second day of the 2K Games sale on Steam, you have a chance to pick up two great games for less than $10 - Mafia I and Mafia II. You can also pick up all the DLC for very cheap as well. In case you missed it, yesterday's deal was Borderlands but luckily if you missed out all of 2K's games are still on sale for up to 50% off!

Mafia I
Mafia is a third-person shooter, where you control a mafioso in order to rise the ranks. This game features a great story that differentiates it from most other open world type games:
It is 1930. Due to circumstances he couldn't possibly have predicted, Tommy's life as a cabdriver is about to be exchanged for a life in the Mafia. At first he continues his work as a driver and nothing could be better.
Mafia I is regularly at a great price of just $9.99, but buy it today for only $2.49!

Mafia II
Begin the story of a new member of the mafia to continue your adventures in the life of crime. With improved graphics and gameplay, experience another amazing story in the series.
Vito Scaletta has started to make a name for himself on the streets of Empire Bay as someone who can be trusted to get a job done. Together with his buddy Joe, he is working to prove himself to the Mafia, quickly escalating up the family ladder with crimes of larger reward, status and consequence…
Mafia II is regularly $29.99, but you can get it today for $7.49!

Enjoy these two games for under $10, including one of which was the first game to make me cry -- while beating up and extorting innocent people for money. Stay tuned to this site and our Twitter for news on the next 2 days' sales.

Battlefield 3 to Receive Themed DLC

Hey everybody, Atzunew here with some news on the DLC line-up for Battlefield 3. Both Dice and EA have announced their plans for thematic DLC packs. Below are the three that have been announced so far.

The first pack that was announced was "Close Quarters". As its name suggests the content will focus on making additions that make gameplay bloody as well as deadly firefights starting in the streets with foot soldiers. It is said to add even more destruction to the game. Dice says, "Everything from furniture to plaster gets shot to pieces." Players who purchase this pack will receive 10 new weapons and 4 news maps. The weapons are unlocked via assignments just like their previous pack "Back to Karkand". Also Dice, will be showing off one of the new maps at GDC, it is named "Ziba Tower" as it features players fighting in a high rise office building.

Our second pack is to be called "Armored Kill". The name seems to suggest that vehicles will offer even more fun. It is rumored to contain mobile artillery, new tanks as well as ATV's for infantry players. Dice have said that this pack will contain the largest map in battlefield history. While it seems there are now extra weapons with this pack, there will most likely be newer ways to destroy vehicles like more rockets launchers. 

The last pack is still shrouded in mystery from us. This pack is to be named "End Game", this is really all we know about this pack so there is nothing but wild theories. So for all in fun and games I think the picture below will become true:
As of now we don't know about the cost of this extra content but I think it would be safe to assume a price of $14 USD each, just like "Back to Karkand". "Close Quarters" will be release in June this year. "Armoured Kill" is set to release in the autumn but "End Game" doesn't have a clear time of release so we may see it early next year. I hope you enjoyed this small tid-bit of news, remember to continue to follow this blog for future news on exciting topics, and follow us on Twitter for even more news stories you may not have heard of.