Atzunew's Pokemon Black Nuzlocke Run!

Hey there fans, Atzunew back here writing you some quality content. Today marks the start of my Pokemon Black nuzlocke run.  Over the course of a number of posts I will update on my progress on this difficult challenge. While all nuzlockes may seem similar, there is actually a lot of customization available to challengers. My rules are as follows.
  1. Pokémon that faint must be released.
  2. The first pokémon encountered in an area must be captured and then no others.
  3. If the first pokémon encountered has already been captured by you, you may ignore rule 2.
  4. If a pokémon flees on their own (teleport) you may ignore rule 2.
  5. If a pokémon faints on their own (self-destruct) you may ignore rule 2.
  6. If a pokémon faints due to the player, then no other pokémon may be captured in that area.
  7. Shinies and legendaries may be captured but if they are not the first encountered they must stay in the PC.
  8. Nicknames must be given to all pokémon, except for legendaries
  9. You may not use pokémon caught from the Dream World.
Wish me luck in this challenge, and check out the first comic here Until next time, enjoy your stay and love your life.