Dark Potential Alpha Rules Available

Hey there folks Atzunew here with some information on an upcoming miniature wargame. Firstly, I would like to thank our viewers for staying interested this long since this is our semicentennial article. Here is a short video from the developers speaking about this topic.

There must be a lot of questions from those who are not aware of this market. Wargaming is in the simplest form is a tabletop simulation of combat where two or more players compete for dominance with models representing units. Dark Potential is a wargame that is being developed by Miniwargaming, a Canadian-run company that stocks and sells other company's wargames. They have taken the plunge and are now creating their own expansive and engaging universe.

MWG have been developing the story and factions for a number of months already so they had a solid universe to begin with. Unlike some sci-fi, Dark Potential tries to make it's technology both plausible and unique. The designers have poured over many scientific journals and theories to learn what would make an engaging universe. To learn all about the current state of their lore look no further than their developer notes.

As of yesterday the company has released an alpha rule set where players can play test. It has been quickly updated to version 0.0.2 so you should check back regularly if you are serious about this project. You can download the PDF version of the alpha rules set in this forum topic.

I hope you check this project out and give some good feedback to the developers. If you want to stay in touch with the latest this great wargame has to offer the sign up for their newsletter here. Right now I'm off to go play test, and I hope you do too!