Kid Icarus: Uprising AR 'Idol' Card Details

Hey there folks, Atzunew here with some newly released details about Kid Icarus: Uprising. If you have been following news on this upcoming game around the web then you would already be aware that the game comes with 6 AR cards. These cards would work with the game to bring forth a number of features.

Some new information that surfaced is that these 6 cards that consumers receive are random. Current knowledge about this fresh topic suggest over one hundred cards in the set with room for possible expansion. Nintendo has hinted that they will sponsor events where players can get together to trade and battle as well as promo cards.

Wait, you said battle? Yes. With these cars if you look at them though the 3DS camera by themselves they will appear as a 3D model. Put two cards end to end and they will battle to see whom is superior. I for one am happy to see Nintendo returning to their roots and I hope to see some sort of booster packs since these look like an awesome addition to the game.

This is all for now everyone.  I hope you enjoyed this small update on a great game and make sure to place your pre-orders to show you want it!