Star Wars: The Old Republic Free Weekend

Hey there everybody Atzunew here to discuss Bioware's popular MMO and how you can play it for free this weekend. While this week has been rough for the developer, they have just launched a new campaign on their popular MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic.

From Thursday March 15th (yesterday) to Monday March 19th, players will be able to enjoy this game for free. While it was said to get out of the rut of "WoW clones" this did not happen. The gameplay is quite similar but the story is very good and well written.  Star Wars fans will be pleased with the attention to detail with lore in this game as it expands on what is already established.

There are some things that players should aware of first before you jump in.  If you already have a subscription you will not be granted an extra 4-5 days to cover for these, so people in this group sadly do not benefit from this weekend. If you have already created an account from either a previous subscription or "Friend Trial" will not be able to use their characters for this event. To me this seems like a lost opportunity for Bioware to win back players who have left already.

Lastly, players are restricted to level 15 (regular subscriptions are capped at 50) and only to Origin World, Capital World, the Fleet, all Warzones, and in their first Flashpoint. You cannot use the chat service but players can look forward to the fact that your characters will be available after the weekend so you can continue where you left off after you get a subscription. This will be a great time to test the game out to see if is worth the subscription later, click here to get started!