Pokémon Black 2 & White 2: New Details

Hey there folks, Atzunew here to give you all a quick update on Pokémon Black 2 & White 2. News has been slow lately but we have heard some new info on the upcoming games scheduled for release later this year. Some of this info is still up in the air as to whether it will be completely accurate, so please it with a grain of salt.
This news comes from Amazon's Japanese website that has released pictures of cases that gives new information to both new forms of Kyurem. Black Kyurem is to be a Dragon/Ice type. It will stand at 3.3m tall and will weigh in at 325kg. White Kyurem is also a Dragon/Ice type.  It stands at 3.6m and weighs the same as its counterpart.  This new information debunks the theory of triple typing.

There is also a rumor going around that there will be a new Pokémon announced very soon.  This may be the announcement that Pokémon Smash hinted about for this weeks episode. Also, Pokémon Smash has released a statement that there is to be an announcement regarding the upcoming game during the week of April 8th, so that is two weeks in a row that Pokémon Smash will have announcements.