Notch Announces Hot New Game: Mars Effect

Earlier today, the creator of Minecraft - Notch - tweeted saying:

The website details the features of Mojang's latest upcoming game - Mars Effect.
After several weeks of trying to come up with a good name for the game, we finally decided not to learn from previous experiences and pick a name that's already kind of in use by a huge existing franchise.
While the game is still early in development, it features many elements not found in currently available games:
  • Hard science fiction.
  • Lots of engineering.
  • A game ending that makes sense.
  • And more!
Fans of possibly similar franchises will be happy to learn that one of the most requested features will be incorporated into this game.
Some Mojang fans are are worried about the legal threats that may come with this announcement, as they did with their other game Scrolls.
We at AnythingGeek look forward to seeing how this upcoming game progresses!
© April 1 2012 Mojang