Blockbuster UK Hints at Wii U Launch Titles

Some news from Blockbuster UK has surfaced recently regarding possible Wii U launch titles. This news was first broken on GoNintendo, a site obviously dedicated to news regarding Nintendo. Some of the titles listed are just filler names like "Pikmin", or "Assassin's Creed", not the actual titles of games since some of these are not officially announced yet. Some of these look good for launch as it would draw more "hardcore" gamers in, but at the same time many of these titles will be available on existing consoles, thus reducing the number of people willing the shell out money for this console. In any case, check out the pics below to see the list:

Looks like a nice list right?  Sadly this list has since said to be false based on numerous sites where former and existing employees have discussed the details of why it is false. If you scroll through this post on NeoGAF you will find an example of such. This just seems as a last ditch effort for some acknowledgement in media of Blockbuster, but we can still dream.