Experience the Humble Bundle Mojam

Starting earlier today at 10:00 Central European Time the team at Mojang - the creators of Minecraft have started making a brand new game live, which they will have 60 hours to complete. Better yet, the whole event will be streamed live!

Along with Mojang two other indie developers will join to make their own games. Oxeye Game Studios - maker of such games as Harvest: Massive Encounter, and Wolfire Games - the creators of Lugaru: The Rabbit's Foot and more.
Based on a poll of more than 100,000 users, Mojang and Wolfire will be tackling a real-time strategy shoot 'em up, with a steampunk, ancient Egypt theme! Oxeye Game Studios is crafting a dungeon crawler beat 'em up set in a post-apocalyptic World War II!
The event is brought to your by the makers of the Humble Indie Bundles - and if you make a donation on their website you you will gain access to all of these developer's games including preview builds as you track their progress. All proceeds will go to the Child's Play charity, the EFF, charity: water, and the American Red Cross.

Visit the Humble Bundle website to view streams from each of the developers, and to enter the chat room. And if you haven't heard, if this event raises $1 million or more Notch will shave his beard! Watch online and contribute now!