The Latest In Warhammer 40k Literature

Hey there folks, Atzunew here with some news on this weekend's Black Library releases. As with almost all Warhammer 40k literature, the authors use this great company to publish their work. This weekend marks the release of a number of books that are highly anticipated from readers.  Here is a small video about the upcoming book Legion of the Damned by Rob Sanders.

The parent company - Games Workshop are great for the expansive universe that they have created nearly 25 years prior. Also on the slate of this weekend are Gotrek and Felix: The Anthology, Phalanx as well as both A Thousand Sons and Prospero Burns in audiobook format.  

Gotrek and Felix: The Anthology  is a compilation of all of the current books in the series. Written by a number of authors this book will have an ever changing style, but will keep true to both the Warhammer setting and the character's development.

The sixth book in the Soul Drinkers series Phalanx promises to deliver further insight to the chapter's motives as well as keep up the steady development of characters. This book will cover the Chapter's encounter with the Imperial Fists. One can only guess at what this book will uncover about the history of Chapter and their motives.
Lastly a release of A Thousand Sons and Prospero Burns in unabridged audio complement each other nicely. Both take place during the Horus Heresy which is a time of legend for the galaxy. We now see the further corruption of the traitor legions and a look at the Space Wolves Chapter in ways not formally addressed.

That is all for know folks, but you know that more great content is on its way. Until next time -  enjoy your stay and love your life!